While the first installment was directed by Karan, the second will be helmed by Punit Malhotra. In the United Kingdom, the series was originally shown on Channel 4. Reports suggest that Tiger's rumoured girlfriend Disha Patani and Chunkey Panday's daughter Ananya Panday have been roped in to play the female leads in the sequel. Wild, also called Born Survivor: Bear Grylls, Ultimate Survival, Survival Game, or colloquially as simply Bear Grylls in the United Kingdom, is a survival television series hosted by Bear Grylls on the Discovery Channel. The poster holds the tagline- 'Admission Open 2018'.
The college opens its doors to a new Student! #StudentOfTheYear2 directed by In the colourful poster shared by KJo, Tiger looks like a cool student who is all set to rule the college.